Embrace Change, Cultivate Resilience, And Flourish

Tips for Actually Navigating Change With Inner Validation

Embrace Change, Cultivate Resilience, and Flourish

Hey Everyone,

As we close out June, I wanted to share some reflections and practical advice to help you navigate your journey with courage and grace.

Embracing Change

I embarked on this journey somewhat begrudgingly, without grand plans or expectations. Initially, it was a hobby turned into a contingency.

It started as a small venture … testing the waters. And now, has become the diamond of everything I do. Over-identifying as an introverted back-office supporter to transitioning to feeling humbles, guided and deeply honoured to this service. This change - been both humbling + exhilarating.

Lessons from Mistakes

There’s my fair share of cringey career mistakes—diving down rabbit holes, playing whack-a-mole, following the popular steps. And, the one thing …..I wouldn't change a thing. Each mistake was a lesson, a redirection, a step forward.

Embracing the courage to change and adapt -. This willingness to evolve - even when resistance kicked in - has led me to create something that is the result of following my inner timing.

Practical Steps for Growth

  1. Experiment and Iterate - don't be afraid to try new things even if it means going against convention. See what works and learn from what doesn't. This heart-centered ecosystem thrives on experimentation.

  2. Service and Reciprocity - offer value, whether it's through freebies, exchange services, or paid offerings. Building an engaged community means giving as much as you receive.

  3. Focus on Currency and Intimacy - prioritize meaningful connections and genuine service over quick gains. This has been my guiding principle, even if it meant slower progress.

Summer Season of Reaping

The spiritual season is more than woo-woo business. You’re on your skates in the summer season, searching and distilling for purpose and meaning. Energetically, your practices are rigorous, ingesting, learning + abundance of lessons. The perfect timing for energizing leadership. Be careful not to over extend or be over whelmed.

Those who have been with me through the highs and lows—unlearning and relearning, navigating the dark night of the soul—know the value of resilience and community.

Healing and Growth

Take Stacy H., for example. Despite dealing with a debilitating medical condition, she embraced the practices we've cultivated together. She regulated her nervous system, balanced her energy, and ultimately created a healing environment for herself. This is the power of a dedicated practice to your life design.

Inner Work and Intuition

Your journey is so much more than external validations. It's also your inner work—the part of you paying more attention to your inner child, addressing your inner critic with compassion, and the inner validation. Focusing less on fear and trauma.

The race to “get back to normal” from the last few tumultuous years, has left a void. Vibing with a community and people you resonate with ….that's non-transactional, resonant, and generous, is how you regulate.

Building the Future

Your “soft skills” are so much more than soft ….they help to heal, intimacy, ecstasy and a feeling knowing your life is on track. These are your light ray to guide you towards the future you want to create. You have a shadow side and light side. Embracing both is the key. This balance is what builds your resilience and stands the test of time.

Freedom and Authenticity

True freedom …. without the fancy trimmings.

If you want to uncork your gifts in a world that can be noisy and chaotic.

If you're ready to embrace this freedom and share your unique gifts with the world, know that you're not alone.

I've got you.

Closing Thoughts

Approach your transition into the fully fledged summer months with curiosity rather than … projection.

Trust your feelings rather than your gut. Appreciate from the heart rather than resent. Here's to embracing change, learning from our journey, and thriving together.

With love and gratitude,

Ingrid Xo

Dream so big, it makes your mind feel comfortable and your body smile. Your thoughts, experiences, and any questions you have are leading you to your dream. Let's keep the dream alive by taking action.

How are you taking one step closer towards your dreams this summer?

Word Up for Closing June

Summer Loving,

practice using these words to activate and integrate love with your heart chakra

Thanks for reading. Go out there, with strength, curiosity, and love about what’s next.

Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you think…I’m always looking to level up.