Ignite Inspiration And Shatter The Anti-Aging Culture

You get to decide on how to evolve and explore on your terms

Welcome home your power for a more connected life with heartfelt wisdom and essential strategies to nurture new beginnings, truest connections to keep doing your best.

I’m doing my best. Your doing your best. The truest statement of them all. If you take one thing away from this newsletter is know, trust and believe that all times, you are actually doing your best. inspired by Danielle La Porte.

Community Vibes:

In these ever changing times, our need for each other has never been more profound.

We've long been fed a narrative of rugged individualism, a story that champions solitary strength as the ultimate achievement. This idea of 'you should be able to do it all on your own.' We see that badge of honor touted everywhere in our society when it’s not sustainable or healthy, and we're not doing well.

This ethos, worn as a badge of honor, permeates our culture. We see the toll it takes: widespread burnout, autoimmune disorders, and deeper unrest stirring within us. We're left questioning why, wondering what missteps led us here, and often feeling deeply flawed especially when there is that comparison to the flawless images we absorb from the different mediums.

The truth is, the fault lies not within us, but with the narratives we've absorbed. There's nothing broken that needs fixing. We are doing our best.

Instead, what we truly need is to reconnect with what matters most: our connections to ourselves, to the earth, and to each other.

We stand at a pivotal moment in our collective consciousness. The old survival tactics—staying small, muted, stagnant under the guise of people-pleasing, care-taking, perfectionism, and relentless work, all this armour that we have developed —is no longer serve us or our relationships.

It's time to release the grief and pain we've carried, the lack of permission and space to fully embody all of us - all of who we are without permission. We’ve needed to come home to every part of who we are, to heal and uplevel our relational dynamics from the ground up.

For, this is how we step into a future of supporting our nervous systems that relied on old patterns and identities to keep us safe from the other possibilities. Where we can all thrive, authentically and collectively be held in those tender places that might feel uncomfortable.

Inquiry Action Steps:

Connect with your nervous systems and nervous system states each day. Inquire of you body and ask where do I feel activated or triggered? Returning to the body bring yourself back to centre by breathing in for a count of 4, hold and breath out for a count of 6. Do this 5 times or until you’re feeling centred.

Connecting with the breath can help us to explore, with trust, the good, bad and ugly, beautiful, sad, happy and connected sides of us all. All of us.

Resources: Books to read: Melody Beattie - Language of Letting Go, John Bradshaw - Home Coming Reclaiming & Championing The Inner Child, Harville Hendrix - Getting the Love You Want, The Gottmans Institute.

Reframing Aging

In our culture there’s this pervasive myth that paints aging as a time of inevitable decline. The lens of limitation, over 55’s adverts of inevitable transition. It’s high time we challenge and shift the narrative - see the golden years for what they truly offer—wisdom, growth, and limitless possibilities.

Look over at tiktok platform to see vibrant women inspiring generations with their graceful aging and fearlessly using their gift of aging to dismantle stereotypes and embracing age with pride and joy.

Entering into midlife offers us the opportunity to assess. Where have I gone? Where am I going next? Because if we don’t do that we’ll live the same life until it’s over. And, do we want to live this life for the next 20, 30, 40 years?

What’s the worst that can happen? A mistake? But we learn and a mistake can also be the best thing to happen.

Sure, we have to work it at it. Because no amount of vision boarding or meditation is going to cut it. By making incremental changes and build momentum will pay off in challenging the status quo and reinvent the image of midlife - shine brighter than ever, showing our community the beauty and strength aging with richness of life at every age.

Jane Fonda defying the conventional stereotype of aging.

Dawn Staley, Headcoach of South Carolina Gamecocks, undefeated season & winner of the NCAA championships

Bruce Springsteen defying aging stereotype

The Internet is Talking About “Sephora Kids”

Sephora Kids Anti-aging beauty products (source bing.com)

You may have heard about the “Sephora Kids”. A increasing trend among young girls who are heading straight to the beauty section of stores for anti-aging lotions and potions. With greater exposure to social media, apps to fine tune our faces for flawless finishes and older beauty influencers’ admitting to their use of anti-aging skin care, Botox and cosmetic procedures that they think will keep them young.

Is the idea of aging such a bad thing or a reflection of superficial reality fueled by social media and product placement? From experience, I’ve been tempted to dabble with hiding the frown lines or wrinkles. The reality - kids are impressionable - think back our days of big hair, blue eyeshadow, Jackie magazine - that were deeply influential in shaping our perception of beauty.

Yet with all the unknowns of the impact of anti-aging products harsh ingredients on children sensitive faces and the perception of their self-image in reality.

The juxtaposition of consequences for older people and the social stigma of aging - especially for women contrast with the kids sense of reality of aging.

Even the term anti-aging signals loss of currency associated with aging. Yet this offers us an opportunity to check in with our own attitude toward aging. What if we pat ourselves on the back, considered the sags, dark spots and wrinkles as a privilege?

Reframing the Narrative!

  • Changing the way we discuss and see aging in our culture and society means we can create a more accepting environment for us and the next generation.

  • Teaching children that embracing every aspect of our ourselves is just part of life’s privilege. Celebrating aging as a right of passage.

  • Educate and teach children about media consumption to understand how beauty standards are constructed and commercialized.

  • Showcase role models and highlight individuals from diverse backgrounds ages who focus on their capability and contribution.

  • Encourage children to embrace their aging naturally promoting an open dialogue and positive conversations on signs of aging.

Connecting To The Global Heart Consciousness Awakening

HeartMath Institute World Earth Day 22 April 2024

Invoking and sustaining sincere appreciation is one of the most effective ways proven to improve mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. The deeper our capacity for sincere appreciation and connection to the HeartMind resides the connection to unlimited possibilities.

Each year the HeartMath Institute celebrates Earth Day to support the global awakening underway. More and more people are realising that the capacity for greater connection, love and kindness with each other and the Earth radiates for the greater collective.

If you would like to participate in “Putting Love Into Action” and heightened the awakening under way even further, you can follow these steps and Click Here to visit the website;

Putting Love Into Action

  1. Center in the heart and breathe love and appreciation. This warms our heart and increases coherence in our heart’s intention.

  2. Breathe easily and imagine with each breath that your mind, emotions and body are becoming still inside. This helps with focus.

  3. Next, visualize more of humanity connecting with their heart’s love, kindness, compassion, and respect in their interactions to reduce separation and draw in new solutions that serve the greater whole.

    As the collective heart awakens, this can eventually transform the civil unrest from separation and clear the way for people to get along with each other – a first step toward creating a better and more harmonious world.

  4. Now let’s radiate our inclusive love and compassion to all who are suffering throughout the planet from wars, famine, and many other hardships. Include animals, plants, and all living beings in your compassionate care.

    Source: www.heartmath.org

Thank you for participating and reading this Soulful Alchemy update. Go out there and give yourself the freedom to play and evolve.

I’d love to hear your thoughts or comments - tell me what you think or any topics you want me to cover …. I’m always looking to evolve and level up.

Xx Ingrid Woodward