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  • Is loving yourself and shifting into self love selfish?

Is loving yourself and shifting into self love selfish?

How to shift into well-being with self-love as your super power ....

Self - Love Month šŸ’•šŸ’•

Self Love is the corner stone of all relationships. The good news is as our self love grow, our resiliency, lower our stress levels and improve mental health.

Take a little time out for self love spa. Iā€™m here to remind you that it is not selfish to befriend and cherish yourself.

My self love practice each day is to do this 2 minuteā€œUSHERā€ principle.

U - I trust the universe S- I live from the Soul H- I lead from the heart E- My energy flows where my attention goes R- I take responsibility. Repeat twice.

Xx Ingrid

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The February Rundown

Intention Clarity. Setting of goals or objectives for life often calls for having clear intentions of the thing or relationship we want to show up. If we donā€™t feel good about what we want and why we want it, then we will have difficulties with our desires showing up in our world.

If youā€™re wanting a desire to show up and reach a place that the signposts to show youā€™re on the right track or maybe not sure where to start, being really clear on what you want can be a helpful tool. Here are some prompts to answer to help will help this week.šŸ‘‡

  • What is it I actually desire that will make you feel Joy?

  • What is the true purpose of the desire in every part of my life areas : family, friends, health, body, energy, relationships, work.

  • What is currently exhausting in my life right now - relationships, friendships. Am I giving too much attention to one specific area and canā€™t get clear on the desire you want to create?

  • What can I forgive yourself for?

  • Am I willing to disappoint people to have my desire? Sometimes by choosing to attract our desires means we want a new reality.

  • How can I choose to make myself a priority today?

What am I thinking about?

We are constantly hearing talk of the world changing and you may have noticed that our senses are sharpening. Scientists have shown that the Earth is speeding up. We are being guided to connect with our inner senses in a time where there is so much polarity and misinformation. Here are some ideas to avoid the distraction:

  • Stay consistentšŸ‘˜ with your daily or weekly practices of connecting with your inner senses. I am learning to practice yoga and connect with the breath through movement as a way of getting connected.

  • Spending quality time alone šŸŒæDo what fills you up and make your heart zings. Whether itā€™s going for a 10 minute walk or having a relaxing bath.

  • Connect with naturešŸŒŗ just doing something you enjoy outdoors goes a long way.

How will you connect with your senses this week? Hit reply and let me know!

The Best Morning Energizer

Morning cocktail! ā€¦..

This drink is great for hydration, digestion and boosting energy levels. I drink it in the morning and is simple and quick to prepare. Hereā€™s what you need to make your own. ā¬‡ļø

  • Half glass water at room temperature

  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar (the ā€œmotherā€ version which means it is fermented)

  • Half lemon juice

  • Pinch of tumeric (fresh or dried works)

  • Pinch of ginger (fresh or dried works)

  • Optional tsp of honey to taste

    The ā€œMotherā€ of Energizing Morning Drink

Question Time: 

I am considering making a career change but Iā€™m not sure what I want to do or if I want to start over again. Can you share with me how did you know it was time to make the move? Morgan

Answer: Major kudos for connecting and embracing your power to make the bold move. Here are my tips when considering to pivot in any life areas:

  1. Slow down the inner thoughts and voice that brings up doubt. Take note of the little whispers that are guiding you to a new path.

  2. Try writing out what you want and what you donā€™t want. Jot down your thoughts on paper and visualize how the next phase will feel and what it will look like.

  3. Adopt a learner mindset. Embrace the time to listen and learn.

  4. Invest in your own ā€œcabinetā€. Invite feedback from trusted sources. By creating a board of trusted people they can give you feedback even if itā€™s negative without the negativity.

  5. Ask yourself these questions. If I knew I couldnā€™t fail what would I do? If not me, who? Why do I want to make the move

  6. Stay open. Be willing to consider the uncertainty and staying open to new opportunities.

Thanks for reading. I hope yā€™all have a week full of love. ā¤ļø

In the meantime, go out there, pivot with power, and stay curious about whatā€™s next.

Xx Ingrid Woodward

Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you thinkā€¦Iā€™m always looking to level up.