What’s the most magnificent and deepest treasure you possess?

If you’re looking for the tools, tips, strategies and mindsets to elevate your life to achieve greater levels of connection to write your next chapter, then you’ve found the place. 

Your Deepest Treasure

What’s the most magnificent and deepest treasure you possess? The best thing you have going for you? The deepest real, real, gold?  It’s the most priceless thing that you can give yourself! 

A: Attuning to the power of the Heart Mind as the luminous and  magnificent tool.

First quarter of the year is now behind us let’s explore embodying this brilliance to boldly execute the next quarter.  

What are your plans for the coming quarter? 

I’d love to hear from you.  Share your intentions with me and let’s co-create them together.  

Your deepest treasure is within

Claim The Power of The Solar Eclipse

If you are a moon magic watcher, you’ll be aware of the upcoming solar eclipse that’s not to be missed. The moon and sun are our reliable presence in all our lives.  While they are taken for granted,  its awe inspiring magical energy connects and binds us together.  

If you’ve ever felt a connection when you look up at the night sky you’ll intuitively know the power to be harnessed from the moon.  

For this quarter, you can harness the power of the solar eclipse supermoon to break new ground and attune to what you’ve been thinking or wanting to call in or let go of in an uncomplicated way.  

Turbo charge your intentions with the moon magic by: .  

  • Set your intentions and write them down in the present tense 

  • Drop into the warmth of the heart and feel present 

  • If you want to connect with the power of nature, go for a walk or sit outside.  I find solace in walking barefoot to embrace the earth beneath me even when it’s cold or wet. 

  • Break out from the rut and pattern by jumping forward into connecting with the future you aka Quantum Leap.  (there are many meditations on YouTube to suit different styles)

How do you connect with the moon's energy? Share your rituals or intentions for this solar eclipse.

There’s still time to connect with cycle of energy being created for potentials to unfold

Am I conscious of the fact that I draw myself to people, circumstances, and things that enter my energy field to guide my midlife transition?

So much of life can feel hard to describe or believe.  The twists between feeling indescribable joy and sinkable grief dealing with a loss. This can lead to questions of “why is this happening to me?” 

Despite all the news around us, it is the news in our own life /world that throws us off balance the most. 

 It doesn’t allow for turning off the television or news to forget about what is happening.  When it feels like a family member or child or close friend is affected, we turn to practices, guides and within.  

The preciousness of time brings to the forefront the need to avoid distractions and be as succinct in life as possible. 

Yet your belief system becomes into question particularly the filters through which you are living life.  

This is the moment to develop a roadmap to create something amazing when reframing the situation.  

Case study: Anna was reeling from profound life experiences and understandably questioning why are these things happening to her experienced breakthroughs to turn her grief into awakening to her true purpose.  We crafted a framework to:

Acknowledge and move beyond the resentment, to inquiry.

Foster forgiveness for the hurt and, 

Reframe the qualities she wanted to connect with in her life to ask more substantive questions eg, “if this situation does not change, what qualities must I embody for peace of mind?.  

The result: she shapeshifted the energy to magnetize and draw to her life purpose.  In connecting and compassionately listening to her Heart and Intuition she received insights into these qualities and the next steps.  

Your Turn: If faced with unchangeable circumstances, what qualities would bring you peace? Let's explore together. Wanna dive deeper? Book a session with me

The Power of Response: E + R = O 

Jack Canfield's formula, E + R = O (Events + Response = Outcome), reminds us that it’s not the events of our lives that determines the outcome; our power lies in our response to life's events.

If you are in the mindset of things happening to you and there is little control, you’ll get more of the same.  Shifting to things that are happening for me offers a new perspective on action to take to achieve the outcome of living in your purpose.  

Reflect on a recent event and your response to it. How did it shape the outcome?

Rewrite your patterns and story to claim the bad*** that is screaming to get out!


Opening Up To Wealth And Abundance 

We live in an abundant universe, and yet, our culture gives us continual messages about lack and scarcity. Lynne Twist, the author of The Soul of Money, teaches how the first thing we really need to recognize is that lack and scarcity are lies, and they are built into the culture. It's felt by everyone – even billionaires.  (Year of Miracles)

The science is resounding that we are vibrational beings. We are energy and frequency that then shows up and manifest in our lives. Where you are, you are drawing into yourself what your vibration is. But to have it completely, you must envision and become it ….. You’re radiating from within out and will show up.

Money is an energy that circulates as part of the purpose to expand our soul. To fully embrace abundance, you must first envision and embody it. Money, a form of energy, serves to expand our souls, not to be shrouded in silence or shame. You are giving and receiving an exchange of energy even with paying a bill - it is giving thanks for the services of money!

Imagine money as a vibrant stream of energy, flowing and ever-abundant. As we shift our stories about money, we tap into a new frequency of abundance to work with.

Connecting to your wealth blueprint will change the way you view money

"Expecting to get happiness from money is like milking a cow and expecting to get orange juice. It’s not going to happen." Sadhvi Bhagawati

5 Steps to Opening Up To Your Wealth Blueprint

  1. Develop a mindset of abundance and sufficiency - radically celebrate what you have already. By turning your attention to what you have instead of what you think you need - prosperity, health, relationships, finances and spiritually, it elevates your frequency to call in more.

  2. Acknowledge the daily  abundance.  We have access to food, water, convenience and creature comfort.  

  3. Science shows dwelling on scarcity only reinforces it.  Not only do we perpetuate the old neurological pathways, but we actually become addicted to our own brain chemicals that are emitted every time we  indulge those thought patterns. Rejoice in your wealth.  

  4. Build the circuit in your body to keep the energy moving freely.  When your energy gets stagnated in the body, so does the flow of abundance.  

  5. Love and nurture your relationship with money and abundance. Start small. Saving even a tiny amount signals your readiness to co-create with the Universe. 

Limiting Beliefs, childhood trauma, old programming has pushed us into the mold of acceptable behavior. Get back to being You with “Shamanic Wisdom” 

The old world is dying and the new one is birthing.  It does not mean that one day we wake up, the earth blows up or that evil is eradicated.  Nope, no way, because how would we experience polarity and contrast? 

We are both ….. What it means is that on a collective level we are living more from the heart and enough people are awakening to heal and rebirth the Earth in conjunction with the Earth itself.  

We are on the highest timeline of love and dropping into peace to create the tomorrow. 

Shamans remind us that - everything is connected. It’s the coming together of living from the soul.  To let go and become the real you.

What you focus on you become - feel that for a moment - what you focus on you become.  

So here’s the thing, I never imagined in my wildest dreams or reality that my life would have taken this path. I joke with friends and family that at times they might say that I belong to an asylum because of the rapid acceleration and transition that I’ve undergone.

But by trusting my personal GPS, shedding old patterns, beliefs and living from the Heart, even amidst challenges I know and trust the highest outcome is always for me.  

We all have those patterns that we want to shed. Mark the start of your new era by connecting to your inner wisdom

Polarity vs Contrast - cutting through the ceaseless cycle of doom and gloom

In his Life Visioning technique Michael Beckwith invites us to consider a list of questions for self reflection to shift from victim-hood to empowered creator. These include:

  • Your relationship with yourself and the world.

  • Your reaction to challenges.

  • Your responsibility for your happiness.

  • The role of drama in your life.

  • Your capacity for forgiveness.

What is ready to emerge through you and by cultivating and harvesting your attention to respond meaningfully, you will inevitably accelerate your evolution.

We want as many people as possible to know that they are creators of their life. As a special gift, we have put together these simple but effective steps to connect with awakening your purpose.

Are you paying too much attention to your gut?

Ah, yes, the adage of “trust your gut.” The reference to intuition and direction, instincts coming from the “following your gut” part of you. What if following the cues and taking advice from the gut is flawed?

What makes me say this?  Well, often the gut is ruled by decisions made from the past, impulses, or the queues from the survival mode or from the past …. the subconscious.  

The gut (actual digestive system) is directly impacted by the nervous system and picks up everything in our environment, translating it and manifesting in some kind of physical response.  

So if our nervous system is somehow sympathetic or disregulated, our “gut” is gonna be off. The “offness” becomes baked into your gut decision making decision.  

All our traumas hang out in the lower region chakras and until we clear it, we’re going to have a lot of backup and stagnant energy.  Which is so not the place to be making decisions from.  

Science has shown that a clogged gut leads to brain fog - metaphysically until we heal it’s not the best method to heed the gut response for important questions.  

Hence what is the most powerful thing you have going for you?  It’s the heart ... that is the most powerful infinite supply - your essence of the soul and inner light.  The real, real, you is it.  So, no, no, on repeating history and surviving. 

Allow the inner you to reveal your personal lessons in life.

Taking advice from the position of neutrality and divinity counsel - the Higher Self - is about operating from forward looking; it’s attuning to the HeartMind.  Go North to the Crown and Heart chakras (the seat of the soul) to bring their questions and decisions to rest in the precious gold,  asking what love wants to do? 

The advice will point to goodwill, prosperity and abundance rather than the gut level of overworking, survival and fear. 

You’ll be exiting from survival mode to harmony and regulate your nervous system for expressive and dynamic movement. You trust, and no need to kiss up to the person in front of you… 

So, keep practicing steadily and slowly with your Heart and Crown chakras with your questions and decisions to connect with your true north on why you’re here.  Here lies the path to prosperity, abundance, and true guidance.

A Blessing to Inspire

May the nourishment of the earth be yours

may the clarity of light be yours,

may the fluency of the ocean be yours

may the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow

wind work these words

of love around you,

an invisible cloak

to mind your life.

—John O'Donohue

To your Infinite Wisdom and Blessings