Is it Possible To Harness Your Energy For Success?

How to Use Your Body's Energy Centers And Chakras For Successful Life & Business

Is It Possible to Use Your Body’s Energy System to Be Successful?

There’s a time, and it’s usually sooner than we’d like for us to stop telling “that story that keeps repeating.” The thing that happened … that keeps us distracted from what is possible.

Every day, you wake up wondering if this is all there is to life. You feel a deep yearning to take action but keep replaying the what ifs from the past, which keeps you feeling paralyzed by the fear taking the first step toward . You’ve outgrown your job and your personal development is stagnating. The thought of another day at the office is crushing your light. You continue because you’re a grown who doesn’t rock the boat.

Yet, you’re torn between your desires. What you feel you should do because everyone else is doing it vs what you really want to do. Most days, you wish just for a moment’s break from what society says as responsible adults we should do…. the rules you've been taught to follow.

BUT, you keep commuting, head down, scrolling through the socials as an escape, feeling worse as you compare your life to the “picture-perfect”, curated lives of others.

The Pressure to Conform

The ever increasing pressure to comply with algorithms, follow the rules of all the “gurus” to be successful - their definition not yours. This constant need to perform, like being on stage at work, can be stressful and overwhelming. We feel our subconscious vibrating in the knowing you are meant for so much more.

The Consequences

And… but .. you spend time deliberating, working on it, tolerating and explaining the thing away - you’re a good person so why is it happening to me?

  • Feeling unmotivated and trapped in a job that doesn’t fulfill you.

  • Constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate.

  • Overworking yourself to meet external expectations.

  • Trying to fit into molds that don’t resonate with your true self.

  • Having more money will make the problem go away.

The Alternative Path

There’s another way. A path that nourishes and nurtures you with your integrity and self acceptance in tact. One that lets you wake up feeling aligned, knowing it's okay to hit the snooze button because your body needs rest.

A life where relationships are cultivated with mutual trust and collaboration, where being healthy matters more than being the thinnest in the room - indulging in pizza and chips is perfectly fine!

Understanding Your Energy Centers

Chakras are the energy centers in your body that regulate and balance your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Connecting with these energy centers, can support to design the life and business that aligns with the experiences you chose for your soul’s growth.

What If You Could Connect With Your Success Blueprint By Harnessing The Sacredness of The Body’s Energy?

How do you pull that off? You can tell your story a different way … it’s how you approach it.

  • Balancing your chakras helps regulate your emotions and physical health.

  • Clear and balanced energy centers allow for greater creative flow.

  • Living in alignment with your energy centers leads to a more joyful and purposeful life.

  • Attracting in your energy and wealth codes becomes more natural when you are in tune with your energy centres and chakras.

It does not matter what others say, and you can be poetic or a hot mess - ‘cause eventually we all want to heal and stop the looping in our minds.

  • Understanding that rejection for that promotion means something better is on the way.

  • Embracing bad days as temporary, knowing you can start fresh the next day.

  • Recognizing that procrastination is often due to a misalignment rather than laziness.

  • Knowing that you don’t need tons of money to be happy. I have been broke and financially stable but I always had enough money, have enough money, and will always have enough.

Creating a Strategy with Your Chakras

You can tell your story in a different way, a softer, compassionate tone with aligning your chakras, and eventually, you’ll speak about your past with intentionally and in direct proportion to where it has catapulted your desires.

  • The Base -stability and security. Engage in grounding activities like walking in nature or practicing mindfulness.

  • Sacral Chakra - Creativity and pleasure. Indulge in creative hobbies and life's pleasures.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra - Confidence and power. Set personal goals and take actionable steps.

  • Heart Chakra - Love and compassion. Cultivate self-love and compassion towards others.

  • Throat Chakra - Communication and expression. Speak your truth and express creativity.

  • Third Eye Chakra - Intuition and wisdom. Meditate and trust your inner guidance.

  • Crown Chakra - Spiritual connection. Connect with your higher self through spiritual practices.

This is good, simple work. The ego-mind will love to keep you in the stucky loop. With a lot of self Love and being in service to Loving You, you can silence the inner critic. The most loving medicine is to rest the mind and turn to the body’s energy codes.

  • Incorporate chakra-balancing activities into your daily routine.

  • Pay attention to your feelings and adjust your practices accordingly.

  • Rest in committing to a lifelong journey, no quick fixes.

All Because …. You Don’t Need Fixing

You don’t need fixing or to follow rigid templates. You don’t need to meditate for hours, journal daily, or maintain constant positivity. Because, these practices can become toxic and inflict more pain, if not aligned with your true self.

Embrace Your Unique Path

I am not suggesting don’t do them, but to sustain long-term habits and do your story, can only be done through knowing your soul’s purpose.

Permanent happiness is a myth, but balancing your energy systems helps you give yourself a break knowing that right next to feeling conflicted … comes big clarity … big breakthroughs AND a better than ever.

Take the First Step

Align with your own inner GPS, so if you want to take that day off journaling, take it, if you want to sleep in, sleep in, if you want to skip that meeting, skip it, if you want to do that gratitude list, do it in your lunch break away from the office. You are already a high achiever, and you deserve it.

Quick Tip: How much are you letting in?

Want to see how much you are letting into your life right now? I do this visualization practice every week / most days especially when I have thought forms around feeling contracted.

  1. Either close your eyes or keep them open.

  2. With intention imagine a circular energetic field surrounding your physical body.

  3. Centering and settle, using your index finger (left or right) and starting from your heart center, gently start to point outwards, away from your body, going out as far as you can away from your body, until you feel an impulse or sensation.

  4. Allowing your body to receive without judgement, notice any resistance or block in your energy field - it might be just in front of you, an arm length away or somewhere in between. Where you feel the “energy” that’s what you’re currently allowing in to your abundance field.

  5. To open up to your desires, practice balancing your Chakras and set an intention to be available for more abundance & prosperity.

To Your Flow And Success!

Thank you for reading Soulful Alchemy, where I share practical tips for a spiritual lifestyle and self-leadership for creatives, entrepreneurs, and medium-sized businesses. Together, we can go from feeling invisible and powerless to use your energy to become the CEO in our lives.