SOULFUL ALCHEMY 3: power of feminine + masculine

Syncing up to your power

SOULFUL ALCHEMY comes out three Sundays a month - for seekers who want to keep it real and blend life with science, alchemy and heart centred living. xo IW



I recently wrote on LinkedIn about the power of the intuition and the value in making decisions. I was amazed how unified men and women were in our earnest struggle to use it in their life or banish it to the back choosing logic…. the choice to liberate or conform ourselves. It was warm heartening as it seemed that the post resonated with men who use their intuition(secretly) with love. The magic and genius of pure power.

So many relatable life experiences (relationships, careers, business, education …) in this experience of wanting to liberate expressions yet feeling contained by societal expectations. Can you relate or see yourself in here?

“The number of times I’ve used my intuition just because it felt right and it taught me self-trust so I can actually tune in for big and small decisions. My inner GPS has not let me down so far. Connecting with it has taught me that sometimes what my personality thinks is right for me …. is not for me in the long term. “

“Occasionally, I have used my intuition when I feel I need inside that I can’t shake off. I used to hesitate and think it was my mind playing tricks (I consider myself empathetic) but when it came to my health, I knew I could not ignore my intuition anymore. I listened ……. I felt in sync and was so happy I heeded the calling. “

“It feels powerful and liberating to trust my intuition. I am building a deeper connection - when I’m in my head, she reminds me that I can say …. “That’s ok”. I am here for you.”

Intuition is like the gentle whisper of the soul tenderly nudging us toward our desires


I attended a Masterclass for women for who want to create wealth with ease. It was a small act of healing because for a long time, I held the story of making money was hard.

It was 2 Million years of brain programming and the ancestral lineage that had me wired to this pattern. By-passing and rewriting my money story wasn’t going to cut it. Not this time. I could not feel the energetic energy type of thing ….. it was not going to work.

No amount of imagination, or feeling the feels was going to work this time “to become the new woman version. I felt rage, frustration and anger - it was self sabotage territory. It was torture!

So, I asked, “What would Love do?” No more pushing through …. it was time to release. To ask for what I want, I needed to let go of the old. Including the carry over from past lives endeavors.

It was in that moment, I realised it wasn’t about money. It was asking for the ascension to wealth in my life, and in my children’s children life - the generational consciousness of wealth in the service of love and to be of service for my fellow humans. My new wealth story is under construction while healing my ancestral patterns.

Love works in incredible ways. Sometimes we bend, sometimes we flow.

Asking the universe for what you want is self love


When we live from our Soul, the magnitude of connection to Source, the Divine is amplified with inspired and aligned action.

Affirmations, visualizations and journaling are all part of the fun in connecting with the higher purpose. But what part of you is saying the affirmations, visualization or journaling?

When we create from the fearful or worry part of ourselves we create more of what we don’t want. Why? Because we are giving it more attention. Like attract like and the Universe is your endless supply. When you want to create from where you see yourself now ……… you get more of what you are seeing.

Perceiving yourself from the higher place of consciousness and seeing yourself from love, you are vibrating from love and the creator you are. Accepting where we are and willingness to work through seeing things as they are, lifting the pain, softening them and eventually dissolving it clears the space to bring for greater alignment.

Personally, I am not a great believer in journaling to a happy place. The assignments we chose to learn from at the soul level cannot be bypassed so to avoid the pain, anxiety or fear will just mean that we are pouring tarmac over tarmac.

The range of emotions we experience are signposts for we’re deviating from the flow. May you meet each emotion with courage and entrust the guidance for transformation.

Seeing the beauty in the situation - that’s neither good or bad - helps to create from the heart with love. It is from here that I start with acceptance and lovingly move into what I want to become.

MOON MAGIC - weaving the magic of the moon into your life helps to harness the wisdom and powerful energy to live with the rhythms of the Universe.

Following the cycles to set intentions and connect with your infinite self is a useful way to connect with the energies of the moon in your manifesting.

Here are some ideas to track the lunar cycle. Download a moon cycle app on your phone - go for one that tells the phases of the moon as well as the astrological sign the moon is travelling in. Buy or download a moon calendar - there are printables online.

Manifest your desires with the wisdom of the moon cycle

NEW MOONS represent new beginnings. Clarify your intentions for new projects or initiatives and acts of generosity. Make your requests of the Universe and believe and let it go.

FULL MOONS are for resolutions, fulfillment, letting go of experiences, rising thought forms and beliefs, perceptions - the emotions that bubble up to the surface can be offered up and released.


Ceremonial Practice

to change your life, change the narrative of your life” Gita Wisdom, Chapter 14

Spring signifies new beginning and growth. Release, Let Go. Clear your thinking and transmute heaviness into lightness.

I invite you to let go of the heavy stuff … write out all the things that come up that you want to release. It’s private to you, be as raw as you need to. Source a fireproof container and buurrrnnnn. Follow with a gift to yourself - cleansing shower or salt bath.

This is a gift in so many ways. When we heal, we also heal the world and others around us.

Giving space to call in more of what we want

My word for March is Nourish ….. NOURISH

Nourish from within to heal mind, body, and spirit


As someone who preaches creating balance between the mind, body and soul, I haven’t done a great job recently. Taking my own advice and taking small steps to nourish the three areas, I stumbled on three things that reminded me to stay grounded and connected;

Nourish the body, mind and soul - chicken or vegetable broth

The bones from 1 whole chicken or fresh vegetables of your choice (carrots, celery, onions, broccoli).

Place in a medium size pot with 2 to 3 cups of water, pinch of seasoning to suit your taste. Simmer for 3 hours on low heat. Allow to cool. Strain and drink liquid.

Nourish your hair and skin. A friend shared her secret for healthy hair routine.

Mixing a blend of coconut, castor and mustard seed oil. Add to hair and leave on for 30 mins. Wash and style as usual.

Add a drop to your bath or shower.

Declutter, now is a good time to reset for spring by clearing out those items that are not used and take up space. This Feng shui practice is a great way to refresh.

Every day for 27 days clear out, donate or give away 9 items that are broken, not used or hanging around. If you miss one day, restart the process over.


Become a member of the community. Sign up for conversations to help us feel a little more connected, full of possibility and always part of the solution. For full services and solutions that will move you into your up close vision-driven life look no further than my website - 

“If God wanted you to be someone else, he would have made someone else”

Gita Wisdom Through Quotes

Your feedback is more important than you think. I’d love to get your feedback on how to make this newsletter better. Email me: [email protected] with your thoughts.

Please remember to become a regular and share your thoughts with me. I would love for you to forward to your friends and encourage them to also become regulars.

If you want to honour your calling and make 2024 the year you live from your soul and lead with the heart …….. I’ll share with you all my learnings and mentoring.