Soulful Alchemy #4 And So We Love And Rise

Connecting In To Your Energy And Light For Turbo Charge Manifesting

Happy Sunday to you.

Can you believe it, we are well into Ramadan and Easter is a week away. The year is flying fast and the energies will continue to speed up.

Each and everyone of us make a contribution to the world. We climb, we rise, we innovate and still continue even when faced with adversity or feel like you are disconnected and dissolving. Yet you continue to rise.

Your spirit will continue to rise and soar. Before you know it, you are flying.

Spring Equinox

The March Equinox is when the Sun crosses the Equator from south to north. It takes place between the 20th and 21st March. This celestial period heralds in the spring season of Rebirth and Renewal.

This moment of perfect equilibrium where day equals night. So we honour the delicate balance of the light and shadow within us. It’s the time for pause, reflect and set renewed personal intentions that resonate with our deepest desires and aspirtions.

So we honour the balance of all aspects of our self knowing there is perfect harmony and balance. Together we acknowledge our capacity to be our best self bring healing to each other and the world.

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Nourish your inner light and let it cascade outward pouring with love.”

A Visualization To Nourish Your Light and Inner Nature 

Close your eyes, breathe deeply for a count of 4. Mindfully intend to let go. Imagine you’re sitting or laying down on a strip of grass, looking up to the sky.

Connect with the highest version of you and give thanks for everything that you have in your life - everything. Visualise your chakras and in your mind’s eye starting at the base, simply sing “Do, Re, Me, Fa, Sol La Ti Do…oh…oh” all the way up to the crown chakras.

I’d love to hear from you. How do you nourish your inner light? I’d love to hear your insights.

How are you filling up your cup?

How’s Your Cup?

You are doing all of it …. you know - all the stuff that you feel you should be doing and know you can pull off because you’re high achiever.

BUT at what cost - have you paused to consider the toll? Lack of sleep, crappy diet, doing everything to perfection, too much me time or not enough alone time?

You might be worried or fretting what people are saying about you, feeling you have to be a certain persona to satisfy what you think or feel others will accept you. We are the worrying type, perpetually pushing to be high achievers.

I’ve been there and felt the weight of these expectations and am here to tell you it’s time to rewrite the narrative. You are already worthy by being you! No amount of accolades or achievement can amplify your worthiness.

Nourish the soul


A little exercise to dispel the worry:

  • Take a couple of deep breaths and shake out any tension.

  • Connect and drop down into your heart.

  • See a golden light building out from your heart surrounding your body

  • See yourself sitting or standing in an open space looking up to the sky - open expansive sky.

  • Ask your worries and frets to show up on a screen before you.

  • Bring everything ….. Ask yourself are they every day worries and persistent or are they fleeting?

What would it look like if just for a moment you can let go and just be YOU? Carry this practice with with you everyday and you’ll see that over time you can put worry back in the box allowing you to live more freely.

Moment of Calm

Awareness is key ….

All this to say, is that with awareness, you understand that the worry and fretting affects the nervous system and cortisol levels.

I am cheering you with dropping the worry because you have nothing to prove - period. With the soul embracing you with a warm hug reminding you that being you is your greatest achievement - what else do you need to achieve?

So, how’s your cup really? Are you nurturing yourself as diligently as you do others? Is your cup half-full, spilling over, or just right? Remember, it's self-love to refill your own cup; it's necessary.

Silent Voices

Quote: First they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out - because I wasn’t a Socialist. The they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me. - Martin Niemoller.

The Silent Rebellion

This quote / extract echoes the silent struggles many face in the corporate world particular women at the intersection of gender, race, family commitments etc.

It is well documented the commitment and capability of women for their career aspirations. Despite the commitment the path to progression seems to be fraught with more obstacles and widening gaps between myth and facts.

I know there’s disappointment for the progression of women. Women are just as committed to their career and advancing as men yet there are many talented female overlooked for roles that they are just as capable of doing.

The fear of speaking out, of facing a backlash, being labeled or marginalize is real. But …. the gap is trending in the wrong direction. With this comes the additional worry of being cancelled, or push back.

And that can be excruciating - so for some it’s better to stay quiet instead of running the risk to be cyber- attacked or maligned. Not everyone has the capacity to deal with this - it affects our income, appetite and future career aspirations. All reasons for better for worse why is not getting broader traction

I know there are so many reasons for this and we are uniquely walking our own paths.

You know that women are as ambitious and capable as our male counterparts. But the systems and structures in place are geared to the masculine.

Sometimes, things need to go through the spectrum of changes for the real issues to bubble up to the surface.

It’s gonna take a culture of heart-centre leadership and love dialogue to move forward. Those conversations that starts with “I can be of service by saving someone going through this crap.”

We have to make space for all of our ways to truly tune into the best responses for humanity.

Spiritual Bypassing …. What the heck is spiritual bypassing?

So you might have heard someone say to you “don’t be upset your (loved one) is in a better place or “you’re only given what you can handle.” This is spiritual bypassing—using spirituality to avoid facing the real issues at hand.

Did you ever want to scream and shout “Shut the F*** Up!” What’s really going on is bypassing the emotions that are considered unwanted. (Note - I am not using the term negative because our emotions are neither good nor bad - they are simply our guidance system).

Spirituality is not about escaping; it's about connecting deeply with our emotions, expanding our consciousness, and seeing through the lens of love.

It's okay to feel anxious, sad, or worried. Honor these feelings, lean into them, and understand their roots.

You don’t need to feel obliged to be happy - acknowledge the situation especially if there is anger, sad, scared - all that is perceived as negative feelings. It’s pure love.

Immersing In Your Feelings and Allowing Them Helps To Discern What You Want

Energy Architecture To Manifest

Imagine if you could use your energy to connect with your future and manifest what you want into your now reality?

We all have an Energetic Blueprint that is connected to how we manifest the things we want to show up in our reality. So, your energy can direct you to your deepest intentions of where you desire to be.

Call up that television screen and get a picture of what you are calling in and play with it - it’s like you are in a dream but calling it in to your now. Connect into your vision and the sensations as if your are living it in the now.

Imagine how it feels - and as you do this over and over again, you begin to regularly connect with the dreams and visions that you want to call in.

What’s going on is you’re expanding your energetic structure to call in more. To call in your dreams and desires, I invite you to make a request to let go of the energetic structure in your field that no longer serve as you move on.

So what are you ready to clear out and invite in this Spring?

Check In Regularly On Your Energy To Allow In Your Desires

Message for the week:

This message was channeled from my spirit guides.

Each day check in with your energy and the feelings that surround you. As you work through your energetic fields you’ll come to discoverer that you and all are connected - beating as one vibrant ecosystem connected and reflected through time, space, dimension and reality in our pure essence of love and joy. Reach out and connect to each other to let them how much you appreciate them. The world is calling for expansion of love, and with your love and acceptance of your true essence as a spiritual being having a human experience you’ll come to appreciate the priceless integral being you are within the circle of life.

To your infinite wisdom and truth.

Tag or share with a friend who needs too hear this message.

I’d love to get your thoughts and comments on any of the topics. If there is a topic you want me to cover, send me an email or message and I’ll jump on it.

With much love

Ingrid XXoo