Live Your Wildly Authentic Life Through Your Unique Power. Intersection of Wellbeing, Health, Spirituality, and Heart Centred Living

Intersection of Inspiration, Well-being, Spirituality, and Playful Fun

SOULFUL ALCHEMY comes out three Sundays a month - for seekers who want to keep it real and live deeply. Dive into a world where intuition meets well-being, harmony blends with prosperity.

In this edition:

  • šŸ’•šŸ’•Heart-Centered Intentions: Move beyond traditional resolutions.

  • šŸ’«šŸ’«Learn how setting intentions from the heart can lead to cathartic and empowering experiences.

  • šŸš€šŸš€The Healing Power of Energy: Uncover the secrets of energy and frequency in healing. Experience how yoga and energy work can shift your vibrations and open doors to new possibilities.

  • šŸ‘˜šŸ‘˜The Hidden Impact of Fashion: Explore how the energy of different fabrics affects your health and energy levels. Make informed choices for a healthier, more vibrant you.

  • All this and more. Letā€™s go!šŸ‘‡


ā€œNew Year, New Youā€ is normally the phrase. New year resolutions are often fraught with angst and the excitement of making new promises. They can be unrealistic and signal that within us we are not good enough. This year, I have chosen to set intentions that resonates with my deepest desires focusing in joy and authenticity. Itā€™s been cathartic. Why? Because it called to my heart and I was living in my power. Itā€™s a practice that has brought me unparalleled clarity and fulfillment - the kind that comes from knowing youā€™re not just going through the motions but truly living in alignment with your soul. Thatā€™s my term for ā€œ Why am Iā€™m doing this again?ā€.

Itā€™s taken me a while to arrive at intention setting as a powerful guidance to align me with my purpose and passion. To sit in gratitude for everything I have and yet knowing I want more. It has truly helped me to be gracious in triumphs and challenges ā€¦. too heal and keep moving forwards.

Two of my most revealing and healing moments came in ā€œenergy and frequencyā€. I hope they are useful when youā€™re giving yourself a hard time when being positive just isnā€™t flowing.

Scene 1: Energy

In following a 5 day yoga challenge (minus some of the poses), I discovered the power of energy and how it can support in healing and lifting our vibration. We are condensed atom and how we choose to use our energy have profound effects on our ability to manifest.

So there I am feeling miserable, very miserable and questioning if a few things are going to work out. I sulked and went to my yoga mat. Practicing Dr Sue Morterā€™s Body Awake yoga movement I hear my Higher Self reminding me ā€œchoose where you put your energyā€ everything works out in Divine timing. Because energy matters immensely - itā€™s about choosing to align with positive frequencies (the silver lining in every situation even when itā€™s hard) and trusting in divineā€™s timing of your lifeā€™s journey.

Whatever you do, you are experiencing your infinite self.

Scene 2: Frequency

I used to dismiss the Law of Vibration. How can we indeed vibrate at a frequency aligned to our Spiritual Self and have a spiritual experience. Our frequency is a culmination of our feelings. How we feel in our body is a reflection of how we process our emotions. You can be feeling miserable or scared about a situation or problem that has not happened. But by shifting your frequency through movement, music or a memory reminds us So What? Our energetics and frequency are connected. Thereā€™s been a lot studies that back this up. Our frequency can correlate to diseases and other health conditions.


Did you know that clothes you wear can affect your energy frequency? Research including studies by Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel laureate, and others measured energy patterns in people and found that, ā€œaverage healthy humansā€ have a ā€œsignature frequency rangeā€ between 70 and 100 Hz (Hz = ā€œHertzā€ is 100 units of energy). HeartMath Institute has conducted similar research showing that different fabrics carry different energy frequency some as low as 10Hz.

Human frequencies below 50 Hz were correlated with chronic diseases, and below 15 Hz were linked to individuals with conditions considered as incurable.

Frequency of Fabrics

For a run down on the frequency of fabrics here are the general findings:

  • The human body = 70 to 100 Hz

  • Organic cotton = 70 to 110 Hz (there are apparently some studies showing that cotton can have up to 400 Hz)

  • Non-organic cotton, bleached or dyed = 40 to 70 Hz

  • Polyester (petroleum/crude oil) = up to 10 Hz

  • Rayon (wood pulp) = up to 15 Hz

  • Silk (boiled silkworms) = 15 Hz

  • Spandex, Lycra, elastane (polyurethane) = up to 15 Hz

  • Linen (flax) = 5,000 Hz (yes, 5,000)

  • Wool = 5,000 Hz

  • But! Apparently when wool + linen are combined, they nullify each other to a frequency of 0 Hz.  (source: Danielle LaPorte)

The fascinating insight reminds us that our choices, even in fashion can affect our overall energy and health. We are all connected, all living things and systems. You heard that right ā€¦ā€¦


I enjoy documentaries that have a lens on personal growth and development. The brilliant documentary The Playbook, on Netflix keeps me watching. Itā€™s fun, engaging and most of all the power of persistency.


January in astrology is a time for rest. Especially for women following the cycle can be liberating, rejuvenating, cleansing and healing. February is considered the start of the lunar cycle with increased energy. Time to make plans and create aspirations.

Lunar Cycle and Healing

Get inspired with the planets + chakras

The root Chakra (muladhara) is associated with January. All of the energy that can flow through our bodies is anchored in the root chakra, which ties us to the Earth. Weā€™ll dedicate one month of the year to each chakra.

  • Friday, Feb 9: New Moon in Aquarius 11:59 am PT | 2:59 pm ET

  • Ideal Full Moon + Dark of the Moon ritual support.

  • The Moon ritual is perfect to release stagnant energy.

    Let go. Clear your thinking. Release resentments. Transmute heaviness into lightness. Offer up the dense stuff in your Energy Body so that the Light of your Soul can find its way into you.

    Journal using reflective questions, and then burn your writing (make you have a fireproof dish or container) as a symbol of Release. Then follow this with a cleansing + relaxing shower or salt bath. How does this help? The reason to do this is get in sync with the energy of the lunar cycle and alignment of the planets, helping to increase impact of our healing practices.

A Final Note

Iā€™d like to thank you for taking an interest in my life, work and content designed to help those who want to live their lives above the day to day noise and move towards a deeper way of living. Itā€™s more than just a newlsetter to me; itā€™s a community of liked minded souls; architects of change to bring compassion and heart-centred living to the world while feeling seen, supported and connected.

I would love to hear from you on how you are redefining what it means to be live a life of purpose and infinite possibilities. If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, Iā€™d be sad to see you go but totally understand your decision. Youā€™ll always be welcome home.

Wishing you more joy and flow, less force.

To your infinite well-being!

Ingrid Woodward has the vision of positively impacting the lives of women (and men) through helping to using your energy and intuition to architect the life you deserve. New here? Sign Upā€¦..

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