Your Personalized Success Model To Go From Ordinary To Extraordinary Results

Welcome to this issue of Soulful Alchemy.  

Today, we dive deep into the Quantum Leap Results Formula for any life area you want to go from ordinary results to creating extraordinary changes you desire.

If we are honest with ourselves there are areas in our life where show up and no matter how much we push and stretch, the results just aren’t there.

So it feels near impossible to score that perfect 10 or even a 9 we dream of. And so, we focus on what’s wrong and start to wonder “is this it or is there all there is?”


Why does this happen? Most of the time our decisions are made from operating from a limiting belief or restriction or resistance - the reaction to a situation. In essence we start from a place of lack. As a consequence we go into the situations or take action with low energy because we lack the clarity we are seeking.

The questions we ask becomes a reaction to the limiting belief or fear or worry that we started out with. Such as why doesn’t things ever work out for me, is my my life now all that its ever going to be? Why does that person’s life look so great and i can’t seem to get it to together.

So the cycle perpetuates itself. Fear take over and our plan that gets put in place is a reaction to the situation rather than from accomplish the vision that you really want.


Recognize this pattern?

So you can see how we start to form flawed decisions because we have not started from the place of the BIG , BIG, BIG vision that we desire or connected with the inner wisdom. We know something is off and we need to fix it.

How do I change this? Meet Carol.

She is highly successful broker and wants to elevate her life. Her business relied heavily on one client, causing her immense stress and worry. She was afraid of losing a significant proportion of her income, her house and saw a dark hole every time she thought about her future. She made a decision (or a belief) that the situation she was in could literally upend her life. So she was fixed on what would happen to her income and business if the client moved their account to another broker. She was moving house and felt she could not go through with it because of the fear of the unknown. Carol was making her decisions through the lens of what’s not working.


Remember those days when you feel super, super charged, like everything is flowing, you know everything is working out for you? You just feel blessed and want to hold on to that feeling.

That's because your decisions are aligned with your true self and energy. Clarity breeds empowering questions, and faith and confidence fuel proactive action. So what steps in is faith and confidence as the energy is flowing to propel you toward proactive action.

We continue with Carol. Her “story” was she is going to lose her house and her job and she did not know what she was going to do. Especially as she was approaching midlife where she was questioning whether she could start over again.

Activation Framework

We worked through her stories asking specific questions as to what it would mean if she didn’t have her job. Like, if you didn’t have the job you have what would your cash position look like? We unpicked the drivers for the decisions she was making to pivot to what would her situation really look in the short and medium term.

She worked on her mindset and energy to re-frame her beliefs. She knew she was in a position to weather any storm. From that position, she connected to her ENERGY to unlock the gratitude in the situation. Even though she couldn’t see it at first she realised the job and the client were the biggest pain in the a*** and a blessing at the same time!

If you had to be grateful from the situation what would it be?

She came to realise this was the opportunity to create a new direction and got clear on what she wanted. She realized she loved developing people and leading teams but had hesitated because she was so heavily focused on servicing this one client that made up 60% of the biz.

Using the Aligned And Empowered Decision Making System™️, Carol reframed her questions. How can she service the relationship, and build a team to be available to the client while securing & focusing growing contracts with other clients?” She started from question of what would I need to do generate more leads that were not dependent on a single client?

Carol started to realize this was the best thing that could’ve happened to her!

She worked through set of proactive actions to grow the relationships while developing her teams. She saw the gift in the situation both in her personal and professional life.



Every moment in our life brings a gift and blessing. When we are at a low energetic state our brain will focus on the problem and amplify it.

Intentionally connecting with your ENERGY centres, INNER WISDOM, and GRATITUDE powers brings a massive shift in flowing new levels of energy necessary to manifest limitless possibilities. Because if you can see it and make it a 10, you can unlock the energy to support you for where you want to go.

No matter where you are, if you can appreciate and give gratitude for where you are today you begin the process and build a system to master and apply fundamentals to achieve the best results.

HOT TIP: Every morning write 3 things you’re grateful for in your life. It’s a cool way of connecting with your energy and setting up the rest of your day.

HOT TIP: See the silver lining in your situation.

Power of Community And Tribe

It’s important to have community and like minded tribe around you when deciding to become the soul-led life. Incorporate a daily ritual to re-orient your mind and can truly help you to rewire the mind and redesign your belief system to quantum leap your manifesting success in every life area.


Inspired by the work of among others who connect with the power of energy in living an extraordinary life such as the greats of Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles, the Energy Codes by Dr Sue Morter and David Bayer, I do know you have the power to be the CEO and not tenant.

You can unlearn the old beliefs to reorient and make new beliefs that are empowering decisions.


You don’t need to know how ….. you can simply choose to make a new decision which is a new belief at any point in your life.

The moment you make a decision and commits to the decision, the brain becomes activated and you start to visualise it which in turn lines up synchronicity or coincidences.

It’s in that immediate change of the brain that ideas unfold and enroll the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in finding supporting evidence congruent with what you want to accomplish NOT what you don’t want and interacts with Intelligence everywhere to coincide and line up synchronicity.

We don’t master Energy and Mindset in the traditional way. We’ve found that the work much better when they’re sync and work in unison. Attuning to the body’s rhythm and energies rooted in intuitive wisdom and new science.

We pulled together our tools in the Ebook for you!


“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” Winston Churchill.


If you want steady support, our 1:1 DEEP WORK or WEALTH ASCENSION PROGRAM gets more utilitarian and divine every month. Connect to be notified or join the waitlist.

To your Extraordinary Results & Power!

Ingrid xx